In order to meet the overall vision of serving the Lakes Region, the LRPC relies on planning commissioners and staff to identify and provide many planning services that help communities address their aspirations for a future quality of life that meets or exceeds today's standards. Through GIS, Master Plans, Hazard Mitigation Plans, Economic Development Analysis, Transportation Plans, Technical Assistance, and Regional Collaboration, there are many opportunities for communities to identify and create local policies, and to implement strategies that achieve established goals. Outreach efforts allow communities to address share problems. and provide an opportunity to learn from one another.

Communities and regions plan to achieve a desired future outcome. The desired future is one which residents believe, once attained, results in a more improved community than had they not planned. Time has shown that planning is a dynamic process. Over time, events and perceptions shape the way good plans are implemented, and success depends on how well the strategies used to implement them are monitored and adapted to changing conditions. In New Hampshire, extensive state and local laws govern land use planning. The regulation of land use development occures primarily at the local level though the state has oversight in many areas. The regional planning process in New Hampshire is clearly advisory, having no statutory authority to approve or to deny development. A key strength of regional planning then is its advisory nature, a source for objective planning information that will help those looking to effect positive changes in their communities and the state.


Lakes Region Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy

The Lakes Region Plan

Updated by the Lakes Region Planning Commission, in cooperation with state agencies.

The Lakes Region Plan
Click here to view the full Lakes Region Plan.

NH Broadband Mapping & Planning Program

NH Broadband Mapping and Planning Program

New Hampshire Broadband Action Plan
Lakes Region Broadband Plan