Economic Development

In partnership with area economic development agencies, the LRPC facilitates the development of a comprehensive economic development strategy for the region. Other areas of involvement include Community Development Block Grant assistance, promoting viable, sustainable economies consistent with a regional vision, and preparation of studies that enhance understanding of a variety of issues from sprawl to tourism to childcare.

Hazardous Household Waste

Our mission in this area is to provide residents and communities with the best information possible for making decisions regarding the purchase and disposal of materials that are harmful to the Lakes Region environment. LRPC works with NHDES and local coordinators to promote purchasing of environmentally friendly products. We also work with these partners and private vendors to safely dispose of Household Hazardous Wastes (HHW) as efficiently as possible. 
For more than 30 years LRPC has coordinated regional HHW collections at various locations in the region. LRPC has also facilitated the development of the Lakes Region Household Product Facility (LRHHPF) in Wolfeboro and is now assisting communities in finding the best means of disposing electronics and medicines. More information on our activities, current information on alternatives to Hazardous Household Products, disposal of HHW, and the work of the LRHHPF can be found under Household Hazardous Waste.

Land Use and Housing

Land use is directly linked to many aspects of planning from housing to transportation and infrastructure, to the provision of community facilities and services. The LRPC assists communities directly with the development of studies, plans, and local and regional initiatives. Land Use and Housing activities include:

  • Preparation of local master plans and capital improvement plans
  • Regional policy plan
  • Housing Needs Assessment as provided in state regulations
  • Direct assistance to planning and zoning boards through the Circuit Rider Program
  • Local regulations and ordinance review and assessment
  • General technical assistance. ​

Hazard Mitigation

The Lakes Region is vulnerable to a number of natural hazards including severe winter weather, nor'easters, flooding, fire, and drought. Natural hazards have the potential to impact communities in different ways due to environmental features and infrastructure. In order to mitigate the impact of natural hazards on the human and environmental landscape, LRPC conducts the following activities:

  • Assisting municipalities with understanding and implementing the National Flood Insurance Program
  • Preparing Hazard Mitigation Plans to help communities plan for both natural and manmade hazards
  • Developing Emergency Operation Plans to provide a framework for disaster response.

Natural Resources

The Lakes Region is home many valuable natural resources, the most visible being water. The region and its natural resources are faced with increased pressures due to development and growth. In order to sustain and improve these natural resources as well as plan for the future, we must understand past and present conditions, and the interrelationships between natural resources, their environment, and humans. To do so, LRPC is engaging in the following activities at the local level and region wide:

  • Offering plans and regulations designed to protect environmentally sensitive and prime agricultural areas
  • Promoting regional efforts to enhance environmental quality though watershed, river corridor, and conservation partnerships and plans, while advocating best management practices.
  • Conducting Natural Resource Inventories and analyzing ecological and habitat information to highlight existing conditions and allow for better informed decision making.


Regional transportation needs are identified locally and prioritized by the LRPC Transportation Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) in coordination with the NH Department of Transportation. Other regional involvement includes the facilitation and preparation of regional transportation plans and studies on safety, mobility, commerce, and recreation. The LRPC also performs traffic counts and road inventories, and maintains an extensive inventory of transportation related information.