The Lakes Region Planning Commission (LRPC) was recently awarded $475,000 from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Brownfields Program to assist Lakes Region communities with assessments of vacant and underutilized sites that remain in that state due to concerns about environmental contamination from hazardous materials. Our goals for the funding include “creating and preserving open space, increasing economic opportunities in the Lakes Region, and reducing the threat to human health and the environment. Our previous Brownfields funding led to the clean-up of sites in Bristol, Franklin, Ashland, and Tilton, as well as a special assessment for the Lakes Region Facility in Laconia. EPA has given this region another opportunity to work on more eligible properties.”
This new award has enabled LRPC to hire a qualified environmental firm to conduct Phase 1 and Phase 2 studies of Brownfields in the Lakes Region. Phase 1 assessments examine current and former uses of a property in order to determine the potential for environmental issues. Phase 2 studies involve collecting laboratory samples and data necessary to confirm or dismiss any environmental questions identified during Phase 1. These studies are important steps before clean-up and reuse can occur. Brownfields sites are defined under the Brownfields Revitalization Act of 2002 as “real property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant.”
The LRPC plans to initiate the program this Spring 2024, and to conclude the program within the next three years. An association of 30 communities, the LRPC has active programs in land use and environmental planning, transportation, watershed protection, economic development, technical assistance, and information services.
For additional information about the federal Brownfields program in New England, see 
For questions on current projects, please contact Matt Rose, LRPC Solid Waste Planner at 603-279-5336.

Program Goals

  • Create an inventory of hazardous sites for potential preliminary assessments and environmental characterizations;
  • Conduct community outreach;
  • Select up to 6 hazardous substances sites for Phase 1 (preliminary assessment) and Phase 2 (environmental characterizations);
  • Obtain all necessary federal and state approvals needed to conduct the environmental characterizations, and perform reporting and maintenance of the ACRES database;
  • Prepare and present written reports regarding the environmental assessments and characterizations for review by the NH Department of Environmental Services and acceptance by the LRPC.

Site Assessment Nomination Forms

Program Materials

Redevelopment Resources


Previous Lakes Region Facility Commission:

The Commission to Evaluate Long-Term Uses of Lakes Region Facility (The Commission) was established by the New Hampshire State Legislature to assess the short- and long-term uses of the Lakes Region Facility in Laconia by determining and recommending the disposition, redevelopment or sale of the property in part or in whole, whichever is in the best interest of the residents of New Hampshire. 

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has provided funding and technical support to assist The Commission in fulfilling its appointed task. The Lake’s Region Facility is a pilot project for the implementation of the Process for Risk Evaluation, Property Analysis and Reuse Decisions (PREPARED) Workbook. The PREPARED workbook is designed for government officials facilitating the cleanup and revitalization of contaminated properties. 

The intent of this project is to assist The Commission in implementing the PREPARED Workbook as a mechanism for making informed decisions regarding the future use of the Lakes Region Facility. 

Project Intent
The PREPARED Workbook is designed for government officials facilitating the cleanup and revitalization of potentially contaminated properties. The focus of this workbook is on properties that are complicated by concerns regarding the environmental conditions and other issues.

Specifically, the PREPARED Workbook:
  1. Outlines a risk management framework for evaluating actions that can bring about the cleanup and redevelopment of contaminated properties.
  2. Discusses some key considerations in the evaluation process and the preparation of a redevelopment strategy.
  3. Provides general information and references to other sources of information relevant to the evaluation and the redevelopment process.
  4. Provides worksheets that can be used to guide the evaluation process.
Lakes Region Facility Reuse Assessment and Stakeholder Strategy
The following project approach was agreed to by the Commission, EPA, SRA and Vita Nuova, LLC:
  • Lakes Region Facility Reuse Subcommittee, with assistance from SRA/Vita Nuova, completes the PREPARED Worksheet #1, which outlines the project goals.
  • SRA/Vita Nuova conducts a reuse assessment on the property, which includes an opportunity and constraints analysis and a market analysis.
  • During the same period, the Lakes Region Planning Commission’s (LRPC) environmental consultant, Credere Associates, completes a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment on the property.
  • Stakeholder interviews are completed to obtain input from interested parties and a public community meeting is held to solicit input regarding reuse options at the subject property. Preliminary Reuse Assessment (DRAFT – DO NOT CITE) Page 4
  • Following completion of the stakeholder process, SRA/Vita Nuova’s design team develops three (3) land use scenarios based upon the information gathered.
  • The land use scenarios are analyzed using the PREPARED Workbook to determine potential property recovery actions.

The results of PREPARED are presented in this report.

Lakes Region Facility Commission Consultant Report

August 24, 2010 - Agenda - Minutes - Sign-In Sheet - Presentation